Chapter 2 Creating the layers

This chapter will cover the necessary steps to make layers which will be visualised in the app:

  • kriging
  • spatial joins
  • aggregating interpolations within polygons

2.1 Kriging

Kriging is an interpolation method that we use for iTRAQI. We pass observed values with known outcomes and coordinates and use kriging to get predicted values for new coordinates (the rest of Queensland).

2.1.1 Data

First, we will download the data that we used for acute care travel time. Each row in the data has a coordinate (x,y) and outcome that we will be using for interpolation (time)

Table 2.1 and figure 2.1 show a preview of the data that we will be using.


save_dir <- "input"
githubURL <- glue::glue("")
download.file(githubURL, file.path(save_dir, "df_towns.csv"), method = "curl")

df_towns <- read.csv(file.path(save_dir, "df_towns.csv")) %>%
  select(location, x, y, centre = acute_care_centre, time = acute_time)

  head(df_towns, 10),
  caption = "A preview of the data used for kriging",
  booktabs = TRUE
Table 2.1: A preview of the data used for kriging
location x y centre time
Boigu Island 142.2153 -9.260192 Townsville University Hospital 493
Saibai Island 142.6217 -9.380440 Townsville University Hospital 491
Erub (Darnley) Island 143.7703 -9.585443 Townsville University Hospital 527
Yorke Island 143.4073 -9.750172 Townsville University Hospital 503
Iama (Yam) Island 142.7744 -9.900403 Townsville University Hospital 466
Mer (Murray) Island 144.0504 -9.918105 Townsville University Hospital 534
Mabuiag Island 142.1829 -9.957180 Townsville University Hospital 449
Badu Island 142.1388 -10.123220 Townsville University Hospital 440
St Pauls 142.3349 -10.184880 Townsville University Hospital 436
Warraber Island 142.8238 -10.207260 Townsville University Hospital 456
leaflet() %>%
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB.VoyagerNoLabels") %>%
    lng = df_towns$x,
    lat = df_towns$y,
    popup = glue::glue( # customise your popups with html tags
      "<b>Location: </b>{df_towns$location}<br>",
      "<b>Time to acute care (minutes): </b>{df_towns$time}"
    radius = 2, fillOpacity = 0,

Figure 2.1: leaflet map with locations

We will convert our data.frame into a spatial data.frame and load the gstat package as we will be using it for the kriging (gstat::krige()).


coordinates(df_towns) <- ~ x + y

2.1.2 Making a grid of values for interpolation

Another key ingredient to do kriging is to have a grid of coordinates for which we want predictions (QLD). The code below achieves this by creating a grid across all coordinates of QLD and keeping only those which intersect with the QLD boundary polygon. The initial grid contains coordinates for all combinations of latitudes and longitudes in QLD (which includes a lot of water of the north east for which we don’t need interpolated values). Figure 2.2 shows the initial grid made using sp::makegrid() in blue and the intersect between this and the QLD boundary in orange. We will use the values which are within the QLD boundary for kriging.

The cellsize we use here is large to save computation time (and to highlight a problem that we will come across very soon). This controls the resolution of the interpolation - the smaller the cellsize, the greater the spatial resolution. This is in degrees units (0.1 degree = 11.1km) so only having one prediction for every 11.1km² in QLD may mean that we miss out on some valuable information! (I’ll come back to this!)

aus <- raster::getData("GADM", path = "input", country = "AUS", level = 1)
qld_boundary <- aus[aus$NAME_1 == "Queensland", ]
qld_boundary_sf <- st_as_sfc(qld_boundary)

cellsize <- 0.05
grid <- makegrid(qld_boundary, cellsize = cellsize)
pnts_sf <- st_as_sf(grid, coords = c("x1", "x2"), crs = st_crs(qld_boundary))

pnts_in_qld <- st_intersection(pnts_sf, qld_boundary_sf) %>%
  st_coordinates() %>%

ggplot() +
  geom_point(data = grid, aes(x1, x2), col = "blue") +
  geom_point(data = pnts_in_qld, aes(X, Y), col = "orange") +
  coord_equal() +
    x = "Longitude",
    y = "Latitude"
coordinates that we will use for kriging (initial grid in blue and those than intersect with QLD boundary in orange)

Figure 2.2: coordinates that we will use for kriging (initial grid in blue and those than intersect with QLD boundary in orange)

2.1.3 Kriging (finally)

Now we are ready to do the kriging. gstat::krige() requires that the newdata be of class Spatial, sf, or stars. Here, I specify the coordinates using sp::coordinates(). It also requires that you specify the variogram model within - here we use a circular model vgm("Cir") but there may be better choices for other data.

Figure 2.3 shows the map with the interpolated values from kriging.

lzn_vgm <- variogram(time ~ 1, df_towns)
lzn_fit <- fit.variogram(lzn_vgm, model = vgm("Sph"))

coordinates(pnts_in_qld) <- ~ X + Y

kriged_layer <-
    formula = time ~ 1,
    locations = df_towns,
    newdata = pnts_in_qld,
    model = lzn_fit
  ) %>%
## [using ordinary kriging]
ggplot(data = kriged_layer, aes(X, Y, col = var1.pred)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_colour_gradientn(colors = c("yellow", "orange", "red", "black")) +
  coord_equal() +
    x = "Longitude",
    y = "Latitude"
coordinates that we will use for kriging (initial grid in blue and those than intersect with QLD boundary in orange)

Figure 2.3: coordinates that we will use for kriging (initial grid in blue and those than intersect with QLD boundary in orange)

2.1.4 Making rasters

Now we can turn our grid of interpolated values into the rasters that we can then use in a leaflet map. We use the raster package. Figure ?? shows our kriged output as a raster on a leaflet map, the same type of objects as what’s used in iTRAQI.

raster_layer <- raster::rasterFromXYZ(kriged_layer, crs = 4326, res = 0.05)
raster_layer <- raster::raster(raster_layer, layer = 1) # layer=1 to select the prediction values rather than the variance

leaflet() %>%
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB.VoyagerNoLabels") %>%
  addRasterImage(x = raster_layer, colors = "YlOrRd")

Figure 2.4: coordinates that we will use for kriging (initial grid in blue and those than intersect with QLD boundary in orange)

2.2 Polygons

We are going to download our polygons from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The link to the downloads page for the 2016 Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) files are here and the particular file that we are going to download is the ‘Queensland Mesh Blocks ASGS Ed 2016 Digital Boundaries in ESRI Shapefile Format’. You will have to download the zipped file and unzip it somewhere locally. I’ve done so and saved it in the same directory as the other downloaded files and unzipped it into a folder there called ‘qld_shape’. Having done that, I can import it using st_read()

qld_SAs2016 <- st_read(file.path(save_dir, "qld_shape/MB_2016_QLD.shp"))
## Reading layer `MB_2016_QLD' from data source 
##   `C:\Users\Rex\Documents\R_projects\interactive-maps\input\qld_shape\MB_2016_QLD.shp' 
##   using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## replacing null geometries with empty geometries
## Simple feature collection with 69764 features and 16 fields (with 25 geometries empty)
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 137.9943 ymin: -29.1779 xmax: 153.5522 ymax: -9.142176
## Geodetic CRS:  GDA94
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 16 fields (with 1 geometry empty)
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 144.5488 ymin: -22.97163 xmax: 147.0728 ymax: -19.24556
## Geodetic CRS:  GDA94
##     MB_CODE16         MB_CAT16  SA1_MAIN16 SA1_7DIG16 SA2_MAIN16 SA2_5DIG16
## 1 30000009499 NOUSUALRESIDENCE 39999949999    3949999  399999499      39499
## 2 30000010000         Parkland 31802148912    3148912  318021489      31489
## 3 30000020000         Parkland 31802148912    3148912  318021489      31489
## 4 30000030000         Parkland 31802148912    3148912  318021489      31489
## 5 30000050000      Residential 31503140809    3140809  315031408      31408
## 6 30000160000      Residential 31503140808    3140808  315031408      31408
##               SA2_NAME16 SA3_CODE16             SA3_NAME16 SA4_CODE16
## 1 No usual address (Qld)      39999 No usual address (Qld)        399
## 2     Townsville - South      31802             Townsville        318
## 3     Townsville - South      31802             Townsville        318
## 4     Townsville - South      31802             Townsville        318
## 5  Barcaldine - Blackall      31503        Outback - South        315
## 6  Barcaldine - Blackall      31503        Outback - South        315
##               SA4_NAME16 GCC_CODE16             GCC_NAME16 STE_CODE16
## 1 No usual address (Qld)      39499 No usual address (Qld)          3
## 2             Townsville      3RQLD            Rest of Qld          3
## 3             Townsville      3RQLD            Rest of Qld          3
## 4             Townsville      3RQLD            Rest of Qld          3
## 5   Queensland - Outback      3RQLD            Rest of Qld          3
## 6   Queensland - Outback      3RQLD            Rest of Qld          3
##   STE_NAME16 AREASQKM16                       geometry
## 1 Queensland     0.0000                  POLYGON EMPTY
## 2 Queensland     0.0387 POLYGON ((147.0641 -19.2466...
## 3 Queensland     0.0071 POLYGON ((147.0715 -19.2576...
## 4 Queensland     0.0004 POLYGON ((147.0615 -19.2460...
## 5 Queensland     0.0432 POLYGON ((145.2406 -22.9713...
## 6 Queensland     0.2156 POLYGON ((144.5493 -22.5902...

This data has polygons for every Statistical Area level 1 (SA1) in Queensland but also details the SA2, SA3, and SA4 that that area is within. If we want to only use SA1’s then we are fine to use the data here, but if we want to use these higher levels too, then we would either need (1) make a new object with dissolved boundaries within that higher level or (2) download more files from the ABS for those specific levels and filter to keep only Queensland. These files that we could use, say for SA2’s are called ‘Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) ASGS Ed 2016 Digital Boundaries in ESRI Shapefile Format’, available at that same link.

Since it’s easy to filter, and reading this book is about learning new things (and my github repository is limited to 100mb), I’ll show you the first approach that aggregates polygons within these higher levels.

Before we make a function to aggregate within different levels, I’m going to rename the columns in the object so that they’re all named consistently - you may have noticed the unique identifier for SA1’s is called ‘SA1_MAIN16’ whereas for SA3’s it’s called ‘SA3_CODE16’. I prefer ‘CODE’.

qld_SAs2016 <-
  rename(qld_SAs2016, SA1_CODE16 = SA1_MAIN16, SA2_CODE16 = SA2_MAIN16)

2.2.1 Dissolving polygons to get SA2s and SA3s

The function below will dissolve the boundaries for all the polygons within the SA-level that we pick. The work here is done by rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(). I’ll use this to make separate objects for SA2s and SA3s. Since this returns back only the geometry of the polygon and the name, I’ll make the same change for my SA1s. By selecting only the code, I get the object with the code AND the geometry - unless I transform the object into a data.frame first, it will always keep the geometry.

aggregate_by_SA <- function(qld_sf, SA_number) {
  sa_main <- glue::glue("SA{SA_number}_CODE16")
  if (!sa_main %in% names(qld_sf)) {
    return(message(sa_main, " was not found in polygon layer"))
  message(glue::glue("----- grouping polygons within SA{SA_number} -----"))
  rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(qld_sf, sa_main)

qld_SA2s <- aggregate_by_SA(qld_sf = qld_SAs2016, SA_number = 2)
## ----- grouping polygons within SA2 -----
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'geojsonlint':
##   method         from 
##   print.location dplyr
qld_SA3s <- aggregate_by_SA(qld_sf = qld_SAs2016, SA_number = 3)
## ----- grouping polygons within SA3 -----
qld_SA1s <- qld_SAs2016 %>% select(SA1_CODE16)
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 1 field (with 1 geometry empty)
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 144.5488 ymin: -22.97163 xmax: 147.0728 ymax: -19.24556
## Geodetic CRS:  GDA94
##    SA1_CODE16                       geometry
## 1 39999949999                  POLYGON EMPTY
## 2 31802148912 POLYGON ((147.0641 -19.2466...
## 3 31802148912 POLYGON ((147.0715 -19.2576...
## 4 31802148912 POLYGON ((147.0615 -19.2460...
## 5 31503140809 POLYGON ((145.2406 -22.9713...
## 6 31503140808 POLYGON ((144.5493 -22.5902...
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 1 field (with 1 geometry empty)
## Geometry type: GEOMETRY
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 141.4665 ymin: -25.75471 xmax: 147.2964 ymax: -12.56014
## Geodetic CRS:  GDA94
##   SA2_CODE16                       geometry
## 1  399999499             MULTIPOLYGON EMPTY
## 2  318021489 MULTIPOLYGON (((147.0641 -1...
## 3  315031408 POLYGON ((143.6141 -22.5387...
## 4  306051166 POLYGON ((145.4269 -17.1212...
## 5  306051169 POLYGON ((145.5535 -17.1354...
## 6  315011395 MULTIPOLYGON (((141.765 -12...

There are some empty geometries here, so we find (and then remove) these using st_is_empty().

qld_SA1s <- qld_SA1s[!st_is_empty(qld_SA1s), , drop = FALSE]
qld_SA2s <- qld_SA2s[!st_is_empty(qld_SA2s), , drop = FALSE]
qld_SA3s <- qld_SA3s[!st_is_empty(qld_SA3s), , drop = FALSE]

Run the code to become impatient and find out how long it takes leaflet to display such a detailed polygon layer.

leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
    data = qld_SA1s,
    fillColor = "Orange",
    color = "black",
    weight = 1

2.2.2 Simplifying polygons to reduce rendering time with leaflet

We need to do something about this - fortunately, we don’t need all the incredible amounts of detail in the polygons for our map, so we can simplify them using rmapshaper::ms_simplify(). Simplifying the polygons can take a few minutes but it makes the maps much faster to display.

qld_SA1s <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(qld_SA1s, keep = 0.03)
qld_SA2s <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(qld_SA2s, keep = 0.03)
qld_SA3s <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(qld_SA3s, keep = 0.03)

leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
    data = qld_SA1s,
    fillColor = "yellow",
    color = "black",
    weight = 1,
    group = "SA1"
  ) %>%
    data = qld_SA2s,
    fillColor = "orange",
    color = "black",
    weight = 1,
    group = "SA2"
  ) %>%
    data = qld_SA3s,
    fillColor = "red",
    color = "black",
    weight = 1,
    group = "SA3"
  ) %>%
    position = "topright",
    baseGroups = c("SA1", "SA2", "SA3"),
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)

2.2.3 Spatial joins and aggregations

To get estimates and ranges for travel times within each SA1 and SA2 for iTRAQI, we aggregated the interpolated values within those polygons. To do this, we need to first (1) join the data that we made from kriging to the polygons data, and (2) aggregate the values within those areas to calculate the summary statistics that we want to show.

Here is the data that we made from kriging previously.

head(select(kriged_layer, -var1.var), 5)
##        X      Y var1.pred
## 1 151.35 -29.15  211.7754
## 2 151.40 -29.15  211.6103
## 3 151.30 -29.10  209.3144
## 4 151.35 -29.10  208.9727
## 5 151.40 -29.10  208.8969 Joins

We do this join using sf::st_join() but this requires that both the sf objects for the polygons and the kriging points share the same coordinates system. First, we need to make our kriging data into a spatial data.frame then set the coordinate reference system (crs) to match. The polygons that we downloaded from the ABS used the GDA94 reference system and this can be matched to EPSG:4283 online.

kriged_df <- kriged_layer %>% select(-var1.var)
coordinates(kriged_df) <- ~ X + Y
kriged_sf <- st_as_sf(kriged_df)
kriged_sf <- st_set_crs(kriged_sf, 4283)

Having asigned the appropriate crs, we can use st_join (if the crs of both objects isn’t the same, st_join will throw an error).

Now the resulting object has about the same number of features (rows) as we had in the interpolation data

qld_SA3s_joined <- st_join(qld_SA3s, kriged_sf)
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 2 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 146.1469 ymin: -19.7847 xmax: 147.1202 ymax: -18.92276
## Geodetic CRS:  GDA94
##     SA3_CODE16 var1.pred                       geometry
## 1        31802  98.72870 MULTIPOLYGON (((146.3237 -1...
## 1.1      31802  99.84339 MULTIPOLYGON (((146.3237 -1...
## 1.2      31802 101.19640 MULTIPOLYGON (((146.3237 -1...
## 1.3      31802  85.83868 MULTIPOLYGON (((146.3237 -1...
## 1.4      31802  85.69469 MULTIPOLYGON (((146.3237 -1...
## 1.5      31802  86.06755 MULTIPOLYGON (((146.3237 -1...
## [1] 60863
## [1] 60888 Aggregations

If you’re familiar with the dplyr:: ways of grouping and aggregating, then this step will be familiar to working with data.frames. To this larger dataset within the unique polygons, we use group_by and summarise. Here, we will get the minimum, maximum, and median of the predicted values.

qld_SA3s_aggregated <-
  qld_SA3s_joined %>%
  group_by(SA3_CODE16) %>%
    min = min(var1.pred),
    max = max(var1.pred),
    median = median(var1.pred)

Unfortunately, this is incredibly slow for some reason! It’s much faster to take the data out from the sf object, do the aggregations and then join it back to the original sf object before we did the join.

qld_SA3s_joined_df <- %>% select(-geometry)

qld_SA3s_aggregated_df <-
  qld_SA3s_joined_df %>%
  group_by(SA3_CODE16) %>%
    min = min(var1.pred),
    max = max(var1.pred),
    median = median(var1.pred)

qld_SA3s_aggregated <- left_join(qld_SA3s, qld_SA3s_aggregated_df, by = "SA3_CODE16")

To check that these aggregations look right, lets make a map to visualise the medians across different SA3s.

fill_value <- qld_SA3s_aggregated$median
pal <- colorNumeric("YlOrRd", domain = fill_value)

leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
    data = qld_SA3s_aggregated,
    fillColor = pal(qld_SA3s_aggregated$median),
    color = "black",
    weight = 1,
    fillOpacity = 0.8

Looks good… except?

leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
    data = qld_SA3s_aggregated,
    fillColor = pal(qld_SA3s_aggregated$median),
    color = "black",
    weight = 1,
    fillOpacity = 0.8
  ) %>%
  setView(153.026358, -27.468562, zoom = 11)

There’s a section which is greyed out - this means that the aggregations returned NA.

Let’s plot the coordinates which we have interpolated values for over the top.

kriged_coordinates <- %>%
  filter(X < 153.5, X > 152.3, Y < -27, Y > -28)

leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
    data = qld_SA3s_aggregated,
    fillColor = pal(qld_SA3s_aggregated$median),
    color = "black",
    weight = 1,
    fillOpacity = 0.8
  ) %>%
  setView(153.026358, -27.468562, zoom = 11) %>%
    lng = kriged_coordinates$X,
    lat = kriged_coordinates$Y,
    radius = 0.2

Looks like we missed the target with our the coordinates that we have interpolations for!

There was a little primer to this problem when introducing the for kriging grid. There are a couple solutions to this (that I can think of):

  • Do a ludicrously granular grid for kriging so that we almost certainly have a point within every polygon, say every 50 square meters.
  • We add some points to the grid for kriging so that we ensure that we have at least 1 or more points within each polygon.

For iTRAQI, we did the latter. SA1s can be pretty small, so I don’t want to have to keep trying smaller and smaller cell sizes for the kriging grid until I don’t get any NA’s. It’s easier (and a lot faster) to get the centroid (coordinate for the centre) of every polygon and append this to the grid we use for kriging.

You can get the centroid of each polygon by using sf::st_centroid() and the coordinates out of this object with sf::st_coordinates().

In the map below, we get these centroids and add them as additional coordinates to the map in red.

centroids <- st_centroid(qld_SA3s, of_largest_polygon = TRUE)
centroid_coords <-

leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
    data = qld_SA3s_aggregated,
    fillColor = pal(qld_SA3s_aggregated$median),
    color = "black",
    weight = 1,
    fillOpacity = 0.8
  ) %>%
  setView(153.026358, -27.468562, zoom = 11) %>%
    lng = kriged_coordinates$X,
    lat = kriged_coordinates$Y,
    radius = 0.2
  ) %>%
    lng = centroid_coords$X,
    lat = centroid_coords$Y,
    color = "red",
    radius = 0.2

They’re on target! The remaining steps would be to append this to the grid used for kriging, repeat the spatial join and aggregate within polygons.

However, I’m going to skip these steps and get straight into the shiny app development using the polygons that I’ve already made for iTRAQI.