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circacompare performs a comparison between two rhythmic groups of data. It tests for rhythmicity and then fits a nonlinear model with parametrization to estimate and statistically support differences in mesor, amplitude, and phase between groups.


  period = 24,
  alpha_threshold = 0.05,
  timeout_n = 10000,
  control = list(),
  weights = NULL,
  suppress_all = FALSE



data.frame. This is the data.frame which contains the rhythmic data for two groups in a tidy format.


The name of the column within the data.frame, x, which contains time in hours at which the data were collected.


The name of the column within the data.frame, x, which contains the grouping variable. This should only have two levels.


The name of the column within the data.frame, x, which contains outcome measure of interest.


The period of the rhythm. For circadian rhythms, leave this as the default value, 24.


The level of alpha for which the presence of rhythmicity is considered. Default is 0.05.


The upper limit for the model fitting attempts. Default is 10,000.


list. Used to control the parameterization of the model.


An optional numeric vector of (fixed) weights. When present, the objective function is weighted least squares.


Logical. Set to TRUE to avoid seeing errors or messages during model fitting procedure. Default is FALSE.




df <- make_data(phi1 = 6)
out <- circacompare(
  x = df, col_time = "time", col_group = "group",
  col_outcome = "measure"
#> $plot

#> $summary
#>                                   parameter          value
#> 1  Presence of rhythmicity (p-value) for g1   7.742499e-83
#> 2  Presence of rhythmicity (p-value) for g2   9.953293e-91
#> 3                         g1 mesor estimate   1.089967e-02
#> 4                         g2 mesor estimate   2.995890e+00
#> 5                 Mesor difference estimate   2.984990e+00
#> 6              P-value for mesor difference  1.039187e-104
#> 7                     g1 amplitude estimate   1.000437e+01
#> 8                     g2 amplitude estimate   1.401390e+01
#> 9             Amplitude difference estimate   4.009528e+00
#> 10         P-value for amplitude difference  1.043910e-102
#> 11                       g1 peak time hours   2.399305e+01
#> 12                       g2 peak time hours   2.292035e+01
#> 13                Phase difference estimate  -1.072698e+00
#> 14          P-value for difference in phase   2.308806e-94
#> 15                   Shared period estimate   2.400000e+01
#> $fit
#> Nonlinear regression model
#>   model: measure ~ (k + k1 * x_group) + ((alpha + alpha1 * x_group)) *     cos((1/period) * time_r - ((phi + phi1 * x_group)))
#>    data: x
#>       k      k1   alpha  alpha1     phi    phi1 
#>  0.0109  2.9850 10.0044  4.0095 12.5646 -0.2808 
#>  residual sum-of-squares: 1.11
#> Number of iterations to convergence: 6 
#> Achieved convergence tolerance: 4.046e-08

# with sample weights (arbitrary weights for demonstration)
sw <- runif(n = nrow(df))
out2 <- circacompare(
  x = df, col_time = "time", col_group = "group",
  col_outcome = "measure", weights = sw
#> $plot

#> $summary
#>                                   parameter          value
#> 1  Presence of rhythmicity (p-value) for g1   3.989106e-85
#> 2  Presence of rhythmicity (p-value) for g2   7.489870e-92
#> 3                         g1 mesor estimate  -1.406791e-02
#> 4                         g2 mesor estimate   2.989707e+00
#> 5                 Mesor difference estimate   3.003775e+00
#> 6              P-value for mesor difference  2.973994e-108
#> 7                     g1 amplitude estimate   1.000604e+01
#> 8                     g2 amplitude estimate   1.401206e+01
#> 9             Amplitude difference estimate   4.006026e+00
#> 10         P-value for amplitude difference  7.126206e-106
#> 11                       g1 peak time hours   2.399457e+01
#> 12                       g2 peak time hours   2.291459e+01
#> 13                Phase difference estimate  -1.079979e+00
#> 14          P-value for difference in phase   2.858438e-97
#> 15                   Shared period estimate   2.400000e+01
#> $fit
#> Nonlinear regression model
#>   model: measure ~ (k + k1 * x_group) + ((alpha + alpha1 * x_group)) *     cos((1/period) * time_r - ((phi + phi1 * x_group)))
#>    data: x
#>         k        k1     alpha    alpha1       phi      phi1 
#> -0.014068  3.003775 10.006039  4.006026 -0.001421 -0.282738 
#>  weighted residual sum-of-squares: 0.4322
#> Number of iterations to convergence: 5 
#> Achieved convergence tolerance: 3.213e-07