Generate example circadian data with specified phase shift between groups
k = 0,
k1 = 3,
alpha = 10,
alpha1 = 4,
phi = 0,
phi1 = 3.15,
tau = 24,
hours = 48,
noise_sd = 0.1,
seed = NULL
- k
mesor of group 1.
- k1
change in mesor in group 2 from group 1.
- alpha
amplitude rhythm for group 1.
- alpha1
change in amplitude in group 2 from group 1
- phi
phase of rhythm, in radian-hours, in group 1.
- phi1
change in phase, in radian-hours, in group 2 from group 1
- tau
period of the rhythm, shared between both groups.
- hours
the number of hours/datapoints to sample.
- noise_sd
the standard deviation of the noise term.
- seed
random seed for generating data.