Rex Parsons

Senior Data Scientist at Nous group


I’m currently a Senior Data Scientist at Nous group.

In my recently completed PhD at AusHSI (QUT), I worked on prognostic models for inpatient falls using electronical medical records and developed software to evaluate/optimise clinical prediction models from a health economic perspective. At Nous, I spend most of my time either analysing health data for large healthcare evaluations or developing Shiny apps and R packages for both client facing or internal use.

In general, I enjoy learning new things, programming with R, and applied problems relating to healthcare and biomedical research.

Outside of work, I enjoy riding motorbikes, filter coffee and strength training.

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selected publications

  1. An Electronic Medical Record–Based Prognostic Model for Inpatient Falls: Development and Internal-External Cross-Validation
    Rex Parsons, Robin Blythe, Susanna Cramb, and 2 more authors
    Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2024
  2. GLMMcosinor: Flexible cosinor modeling with a generalized linear mixed modeling framework to characterize rhythmic time series.
    Rex Parsons, Oliver Jayasinghe, Nicole White, and 2 more authors
    bioRxiv, 2024
  3. predictNMB: An R package to estimate if or when a clinical prediction model is worthwhile
    Rex Parsons, Robin Blythe, Adrian Barnett, and 2 more authors
    Journal of Open Source Software, 2023
  4. Integrating economic considerations into cutpoint selection may help align clinical decision support towards value-based healthcare
    Rex Parsons, Robin Blythe, Susanna Cramb, and 1 more author
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2023